








  #db2 connect to eos

  #db2 update monitor switches using statement on

  #db2 reset monitor all


  #db2 get snapshot for dynamic sql on eos > dysqlstatus.out


  Number of executions = 1

  Number of compilations = 1

  Worst preparation time (ms) = 2

  Best preparation time (ms) = 2

  Internal rows deleted = 0

  Internal rows inserted = 0

  Rows read = 2

  Internal rows updated = 0

  Rows written = 0

  Statement sorts = 0

  Statement sort overflows = 0

  Total sort time = 0

  Buffer pool data logical reads = Not Collected

  Buffer pool data physical reads = Not Collected

  Buffer pool temporary data logical reads = Not Collected

  Buffer pool temporary data physical reads = Not Collected

  Buffer pool index logical reads = Not Collected

  Buffer pool index physical reads = Not Collected

  Buffer pool temporary index logical reads = Not Collected

  Buffer pool temporary index physical reads = Not Collected

  Total execution time (sec.ms) = 0.000377

  Total user cpu time (sec.ms) = 0.010000

  Total system cpu time (sec.ms) = 0.000000

  Statement text = select ACTIVITYDEFID,ACTIVITYINSTID from wfworkitem where PROCESSINSTID=104199 and CURRENTSTATE = 4



  :g!/Total execution time/d



  Total execution time (sec.ms) = 0.050590

  Total execution time (sec.ms) = 0.000170

  Total execution time (sec.ms) = 0.000247

  Total execution time (sec.ms) = 0.000292

  Total execution time (sec.ms) = 0.000474

  Total execution time (sec.ms) = 0.000330

  Total execution time (sec.ms) = 0.000348

  Total execution time (sec.ms) = 0.000279

  Total execution time (sec.ms) = 0.000385

  Total execution time (sec.ms) = 0.000296

  Total execution time (sec.ms) = 0.000261

  Total execution time (sec.ms) = 0.000195

  Total execution time (sec.ms) = 0.000226

  Total execution time (sec.ms) = 0.000227

  Total execution time (sec.ms) = 0.000193




  Total execution time (sec.ms) = 2.027776

  Total execution time (sec.ms) = 2.203624

  Total execution time (sec.ms) = 2.504677

  Total execution time (sec.ms) = 2.951256

  Total execution time (sec.ms) = 3.119875

  Total execution time (sec.ms) = 3.303277

  Total execution time (sec.ms) = 3.303517

  Total execution time (sec.ms) = 4.017133

  Total execution time (sec.ms) = 4.043329

  Total execution time (sec.ms) = 4.252125

  Total execution time (sec.ms) = 4.400952

  Total execution time (sec.ms) = 4.606765

  Total execution time (sec.ms) = 5.208087

  Total execution time (sec.ms) = 5.778598

  Total execution time (sec.ms) = 8.117470

  Total execution time (sec.ms) = 9797.905136

  可以看到最长时间的sql total执行时间耗费了3797.905123s.


  Number of executions = 4602

  Number of compilations = 4294967295

  Worst preparation time (ms) = 2

  Best preparation time (ms) = 2

  Internal rows deleted = 0

  Internal rows inserted = 0

  Rows read = 2963688

  Internal rows updated = 0

  Rows written = 0

  Statement sorts = 0

  Statement sort overflows = 0

  Total sort time = 0

  Buffer pool data logical reads = Not Collected

  Buffer pool data physical reads = Not Collected

  Buffer pool temporary data logical reads = Not Collected

  Buffer pool temporary data physical reads = Not Collected

  Buffer pool index logical reads = Not Collected

  Buffer pool index physical reads = Not Collected

  Buffer pool temporary index logical reads = Not Collected

  Buffer pool temporary index physical reads = Not Collected

  Total execution time (sec.ms) = 9797.905136

  Total user cpu time (sec.ms) = 9.290000

  Total system cpu time (sec.ms) = 1.230000

  Statement text = select * from XXXX_T_CNFACTIVITYDEF

  这条语句总共执行了4602次,平均每次的执行时间2S,而且这些数据应该是被cache起来的 ;)

