
FreeBSD 获得了Java re-distribution license

FreeBSD 通过最近和SUN的协商..终于从SUN手中获得了Java re-distribution license..

现在 binary versions 的 JDK 和 JRE 都将会出现在x86的FreeBSD 5.4 和 6.0 上.. x86以外的版本也将会陆续支持了..

The FreeBSD Foundation is pleased to announce the availability of the official Java Runtime Environment (JRE) and Java Development Kit (JDK) for FreeBSD. The Foundation negotiated a license with Sun Microsystems to distribute these FreeBSD binaries. The binaries are based on JDK 1.5 and work with the official FreeBSD 5.4 and FreeBSD 6.0 releases on the i386 platform.

The FreeBSD Foundation provided financial support for Java development, funded the certification process, and negotiated license and trademark agreements to distribute pre-compiled binary packages of the Sun JDK and JRE.
