
WebLogic Workshop和 WebLogic Portal Beta 9.2 发布

WebLogic Workshop和 WebLogic Portal Beta 9.2 发布了.

WebLogic Workshop 是一种集成开发环境,用于在 WebLogic Platform 上生成企业级的 J2EE 应用程序。WebLogic Workshop 提供了一个直观的程序设计模型,从而使您可以集中精力生成应用程序业务逻辑,而不用考虑复杂的实现细节。

WebLogic Workshop 有两个版本:

WebLogic Workshop Application Developer Edition,其中包含应用程序开发人员在生成 Web Service、Web 应用程序、自定义控件以及 Enterprise JavaBean (EJB) 时所需的基本功能。WebLogic Workshop 的所有版本还包含对 XMLBean 普遍支持,XMLBean 是 BEA 在 Java 中对 XML 进行无缝、自然处理的技术。

WebLogic Workshop Platform Edition,其中包含对 IDE 和运行时框架的其他扩展,通过这些扩展,可以分别生成门户应用程序、业务流程以及 WebLogic Portal 和 WebLogic Integration 产品。

这次发布的是WebLogic Workshop 9.2.

同时发布的还有WebLogic Portal 9.2..BEA WebLogic Portal为创建门户接口提供了一个灵活而强大的框架。此外,WebLogic Portal的生命周期管理工具和业务服务允许快速创建和装配门户,为员工、合作伙伴和客户提供定制的应用程序、信息和业务流程的集成视图,同时加强了业务策略、业务流程和安全要求。


--BEA Workshop for WebLogic Platform, the Eclipse framework IDE for developing enterprise-class applications that run on WebLogic.
--BEA Workshop Studio, the Eclipse framework IDE for developing server-agnostic, enterprise-class applications. Workshop Studio provides advanced features such as JSP preview with no server running.
--A redesigned Portal Administration Console, with a contemporary look & feel, powerful new features, and significant usability improvements.
--Workshop for WebLogic Platform visual editors for the WebLogic Portal 9.2 data types and an upgrade framework for WLP 8.1 applications.
--Content Management enhancements including a WYSIWYG editor, customizable workflows, content type inheritance, nested types, and content templates.
--Enhanced support for portal federation (books, pages, and portlets), with improvements in the ability to consume a remote portlet from the administration and development tools.
A communities framework that provides enhanced support for building collaborative end-user-managed sites, including the out-of-the-box GroupSpace Community Template.
--Significant enhancements to the propagation tool, including Content propagation, and an Eclipse-based UI for examining SRC, DEST, and merged inventories, and fine-tuning propagation elections.
Support for component-based packaging and deployment using Library Modules.
