
Apache MyFaces 1.1.2 发布

Apache MyFaces 1.1.2 版本发布了.

MyFaces是JavaServer Faces(JSF) Web框架 (JSR 127)的一个实现。JavaServer Faces Web框架是一个新的实现MVC模式的规范.它可以与Struts框架相媲美甚至的一些特性与观念已经超过了Struts.

MyFaces是第一个基于开源的JavaServer Faces (JSR 127) 实现;JSF (一个组件架构,一个标准的UI 部件集,以及一个应用架构) 将标准的UI 组件模型引入到Web开发领域,使得Web UI开发可以像桌面UI那样轻松简单


"MyFaces Core is a JavaServer(tm) Faces 1.1 implementation as specified by JSR-127 [2]. It has passed Sun's TCK and is considered to be 100% compliant with the spec. Please pay attention to the fact that you cannot use this release of MyFaces Core with the MyFaces Tomahawk library in version 1.1.1 - it will only work with the Tomahawk library in version 1.1.2 and onward. From the release 1.1.2 on, you can use any Tomahawk release with a release number greater than 1.1.2 with any MyFaces Implementation release - we have taken special care to enable this."
