
Apache FOP 0.92 beta 发布

Apache FOP 0.92 beta 版本发布了.

FOP是Apache计划所发展的一个开源的XSL-FO处理器项目,可以把Formatting Object格式的文件转换成 可列印文件,如PDF、PostScript等格式。

"Apache FOP 0.92 contains a considerable amount of improvements, bugfixes and new features in comparison with last December's 0.91 release, so you're all probably wondering: Why *still* consider it a beta release? The main reason for this is a fundamental modification in the API, which was motivated by the fact that a lot of resources could be reused for multiple rendering runs. It has, of course, all been rigorously tested, but still we'd very much appreciate any feedback, especially if one of you feels there is room for improvement, be it in the area of performance or user-friendliness. Every one of your comments will be carefully weighed and taken into consideration."
