JBossWS是基于Apache Axis(http://ws.apache.org/axis)。JBossWS提供了J2EE 1.4 Web服务的完整技术栈,其中包括SOAP、SAAJ、JAX-RPC以及JAXR。暂时还不完全支持Java EE 1.5版本,在接下来的几个月里,会逐渐向完全支持Java EE 1.5 版本进化。
The JBossWS-1.0.0 final release passes our internal testsuite, the testsuite for the jboss-4.0.x web service stack and the >2200 web service tests that come with Sun's Compatibility Test Suite (CTS). It comes with its own tool set (wstools) that generates portable J2EE-1.4 web service artifacts both from WSDL and from Java... Over the next couple of months you will see us moving forward towards a J2EE-5.0 compliant implemenatation. This includes JAX-WS, JAXB, SOAP-1.3, etc