Commons-Collections 扩展了标准的Java Collection框架.提供了额外的Map, List 和 Set实现以及多个有用的工具类库.
1998年12月发布的J2SE 1.2 ,包括了一组称为Java Collections Framework 的类,用来操作数据集合。
2001年7月发布的Jakarta Commons Collections,它用特制的数据类型和新方法扩展了J2SE 1.2 的APIS.
这次Apache发布的是Commons Collections 3.2 版本.
- MultiValueMap - A flexible MultiMap implementation
- DefaultedMap - A map that returns a default value when the key is not found
- GrowthList - A list where set and add expand the list rather than throw IndexOutOfBoundsException
- LoopingListIterator - A never-ending list iterator
- CollectionUtils.addIgnoreNull - Adds to the collection if the value being added is not null
- isEmpty - Checks maps and collections for empty or null
- BlockingBuffer - Add timeout handling to any buffer implementation
- ListOrderedMap - additional list-style methods
- DefaultedMap - A map that returns a default value when the key is not found
- GrowthList - A list where set and add expand the list rather than throw IndexOutOfBoundsException
- LoopingListIterator - A never-ending list iterator
- CollectionUtils.addIgnoreNull - Adds to the collection if the value being added is not null
- isEmpty - Checks maps and collections for empty or null
- BlockingBuffer - Add timeout handling to any buffer implementation
- ListOrderedMap - additional list-style methods