
Crispy 1.0 发布--远程调用框架

Crispy 开发小组宣布发布 Crispy 1.0 版本 。

Crispy 是一个远程调用框架,Crispy提供一个统一接口,通过这个接口你可以调用RMI,WebService,REST,XML-RPC,EJB,Burlap,Hessian等服务.

你可在properties文件中定义需要调用的服务类型. 从而远程调用就像Java对象调用一样简单

同时, 你也可以把Crispy集成到一个SOA(Service Oriented Architecture)或RCP(Rich Client Platform)中.

- Asynchronous communication. Remote invocation are asynchronous. The caller must don't wait of the end of the invocation. (Feature Request: 1481779).
- Replace commons-logging 1.0.4 with version 1.1 (Feature Request: 1488864).
- Replace commons-httpclient 3.0 with version 3.0.1 (Feature Request: 1488870).
- Replace Axis 1.2.1 with version 1.4 (Feature Request: 1496761).
- Properties for the ServiceManager must by Strings (Key and Value). If not, then get a Exception with the error message (Feature Request: 1489506).
