
WidgetServer 1.0 发布 = (AJAX + RemoteSwing) * XMLGui

WidgetServer 开发小组 宣布发布WidgetServer 1.0 RC4 版本 。

这也是WidgetServer 1.0 的Final版本..将作为1.0发布..

WidgetServer是一个Java/XML 服务端GUI框架...

WidgetServer既可以当作client/server架构的瘦Swing客端, 也可以当作一个应用程序的基于HTML与JavaScript 的 Rich Web客户端。

基于HTML and CSS的简单web应用
基于Swing GUI的独立应用
基于client/server 的Swing客户端


WidgetServer provides a unified component-based, object-oriented programming interface for Web and Swing GUIs to control and modify the GUI and to process events. The framework prevents from struggling with HTML, JavaScript and HTTP requests or from caring about the internals of Swing (e.g. Drag and Drop implementation). For Swing client/server applications the framework cares for the client/server split as well as for the client/server communication including compression and security layers. Web applications are completely AJAX enabled, while the use of this feature remains fully configurable. The framework also supports a mixed deployment mode, which enables one server to serve Swing clients and Web clients at the same time. The functionality of the Swing widget set is covered widely (and sometimes enhanced) in both (Swing and Web/HTML) client channels. The project comes with a WYSIWYG GUI-builder which is completely build on the WidgetServer framework technology.

标签: LG