这是Bonita v2 发布的首次rc版本..
Bonita 是一个符合WfMC规范、灵活的协同工作流系统。 对于各种动作如流程概念建模、定义、实例化、流程控制和用户交互等提供了全面的集成图形工具。
新版本特性包括支持XPDL, 新的workflow迭代,以及user pagination API等等..
- Migration to JOnAS 4.7.x series
- Generation of Maven 2 artifacts from build.xml.
- Iterations mechanism has been rewritten from scratch. For more details see: iteration_release_notes.txt
- jdk 1.5 is now supported
- Pagination pattern is now available for getter methods in both UserSession and AdminSession Beans
- XPDL support allowing to import XPDL files within the workflow engine
- Workflow patterns review (from the Van der Aalst study) has been included in the distribution
- The Approval workflow stand alone sample has been included in the BonitaStandAlone directory
- Internal timer services was replaced by the EJB 2.x Timer
- Iteration Unit Test suite has been added to the default test suite
- Documentation improvement. A new document called bonita_XPDL has been included into the doc directory
- Generation of Maven 2 artifacts from build.xml.
- Iterations mechanism has been rewritten from scratch. For more details see: iteration_release_notes.txt
- jdk 1.5 is now supported
- Pagination pattern is now available for getter methods in both UserSession and AdminSession Beans
- XPDL support allowing to import XPDL files within the workflow engine
- Workflow patterns review (from the Van der Aalst study) has been included in the distribution
- The Approval workflow stand alone sample has been included in the BonitaStandAlone directory
- Internal timer services was replaced by the EJB 2.x Timer
- Iteration Unit Test suite has been added to the default test suite
- Documentation improvement. A new document called bonita_XPDL has been included into the doc directory