
Spring 2.0 RC1 发布

Spring 2.0 RC1 发布了。

这是Spring 2.0的第一个candidate版本, 在过去的六个月里, Spring 共发布了5次milestone版本...

Spring 2.0的新特性包括:

Configuration Simplification
Bean definitions based on XML schema, with out-of-the-box XML namespaces for simplifying common configuration tasks
Support for extended bean scopes in application contexts, with web request and session scopes as main targets
Bean definition enhancements: lazy loading of bean classes, collection merging, and intelligent error messages

Simplified AOP configuration based on XML schema namespaces
Support for AspectJ pointcut expression language and @AspectJ-style aspects
Support for dependency injection on any object, including fine grained domain objects (based on AspectJ)
Persistence and JPA

Enhanced JDBC support: named SQL parameters, generics-based SimpleJdbcTemplate
Explicit support for Hibernate 3.1 and 3.2 (while remaining compatible with Hibernate 3.0)
Support for the Java Persistence API (JPA), including the full container contract with class instrumentation
Scheduling and Messaging

TaskExecutor abstraction for submitting asynchronous work
Support for various thread pools, such as a Java 5 ThreadPoolExecutor and a CommonJ WorkManager
Support for asynchronous JMS ("Message-Driven POJOs") based on message listener containers
Web Application Development

Conventions-based web MVC: controller mappings, model attribute names
JSP form tag library for use with Spring Web MVC and Spring Web Flow
Full support for Portlet environments, including Portlet-style MVC based on a DispatcherPortlet


