同时, Motorola 也将在Eclipse Foundation的理事会占有一席之地, 将会参与Eclipse 的架构,需求以及计划等..
Eclipse 社区期望, Motorola 的加入能够加强Eclipse在无线应用开发上的功能以及易用性. 毕竟, 目前Netbeans在这方面是很不错的.
在更早之前, Motorola 宣布发布opensource.Motorola.com 栏目, 作为Motorola 支持开源栏目的一个里程碑. 不过目前来看, opensource.Motorola.com 上内容寥寥.. 更新很少..
支持开源, 到底是作秀, 是为了完成任务, 还是会带来双赢, 让我们拭目以待..
Motorola 提到:
"With the support of the Eclipse community, Motorola hopes to drive frameworks and tools to support all phases of the application lifecycle for developers creating and deploying C/C++ applications targeting mobile Linux platforms," said Christy Wyatt, Vice President Ecosystem Development, Motorola Mobile Devices. "Over time, we hope the Eclipse TmL project will provide a home for mobile Linux extensions across a wide range of existing and future Eclipse projects"