Hibero是IntelliJ IDEA下Hibernate插件,主要为Hibernate 映射xml文件, 提供强大的代码编辑功能,包括代码自动提示、语法和错误的高亮提示、代码导航、代码重构、代码审查和快速修复等.方便开发者在IntelliJ IDEA下进行快速Hibernate 开发.
Hibero 2.0 的新特性包括:
HQL Editor supports Auto-Completion, Code Navigation, Find Usages, Rename/Move/Safe Delete refactorings, Code Formatting, Surround With, Code Folding and Errors Highlighting for HQL 3.
Enabled for Hibernate XML Configuration files: Auto-Completion, Code Navigation, Find Usages, Rename/Move/Safe Delete refactorings, Errors Highlighting and Quick Fixes.
HQL Scratch Pad Editor which doesn't require a physical file.
Allow configuration of Hibernate runtime environment to come from Hibernate, Spring or Java Persistence API.
Query results table option to display returned entities using toString() or the entity properties.
Hibernate XML Configuration and Mapping file templates.
New GUI settings.
Ability to define HQL Style Schemes with user customizations about how to format HQL queries.
Enabled for Hibernate XML Configuration files: Auto-Completion, Code Navigation, Find Usages, Rename/Move/Safe Delete refactorings, Errors Highlighting and Quick Fixes.
HQL Scratch Pad Editor which doesn't require a physical file.
Allow configuration of Hibernate runtime environment to come from Hibernate, Spring or Java Persistence API.
Query results table option to display returned entities using toString() or the entity properties.
Hibernate XML Configuration and Mapping file templates.
New GUI settings.
Ability to define HQL Style Schemes with user customizations about how to format HQL queries.
标签: 插件