
Apache Axis2 1.1 发布

Apache Axis2 1.1 发布了.

从上次1.0发布到现在, 已经过去6个月了.

Apache Axis是Apache WebService 的子项目,其核心是一个SOAP 处理器,用于开发包括客户端,服务器端,SOAP Gateway 等各种应用。Axis2 是由开源组织Apache 开发的web service 框架Axis 的升级产品。

新版本提供了对Spring的支持, 以及修复了一系列bugs.

其他一系列模块,包括 WS-Security/Secure-Conversation (Apache Rampart), WS-Trust (Apache Rahas), WS-Reliable Messaging (Apache Sandesha) and WS-Eventing (Apache Savan) 都将会在稍后一一发布, 大家可关注Apache的官方项目站点.

Significantly improved documentation
Significantly improved support for POJO services and clients
Significantly improved support for Spring services
Significantly improved Axis Data Binding (ADB) to increase schema coverage and overall stability
Improved service lifecycle model
Improved JMS support
Improved handler and module interfaces
Improved Eclipse and Idea plugins
New Attachments API for sending & receiving MTOM and SwA attachments
Built in support for WS-Policy via Apache Neethi
Added support for unwrapping Web service requests
Fixed tons of small and not-so-small bugs
Major refactoring of release structure to make usage easy

