MCSA 认证:
- Microsoft Windows Server 2003的MCSA认证要求学员完成并通过3门必修科目和1门选修科目的学习与考核;
; - Windows 2000的MCSA升级考试要求学员完成并通过1门必修科目的学习与考核MCSE 认证;
要获得Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator (MCSA)on Microsoft Windows Server™ 2003必须满足以下要求:
必考科目 (必须通过3门考试)
第一部分:网络与系统类考试 (必须通过2门) |
Exam 70–290: Managing and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment |
Exam 70–291: Implementing, Managing, and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Network Infrastructure |
第二部分:客户端操作系统类考试(必须通过一门考试) |
Exam 70–270: Installing, Configuring, and Administering Microsoft Windows XP Professional |
Exam 70-210: Installing, Configuring, and Administering Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional |
任选考试(必须通过1门) |
Exam 70–086: Implementing and Supporting Microsoft Systems Management Server 2.0 |
Exam 70-227: Installing, Configuring, and Administering Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) Server 2000, Enterprise Edition |
Exam 70-228: Installing, Configuring, and Administering Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition |
如果您已经是基于Windows 2000的MCSA,
基于Windows 2000的MCSA升级考试(必须通过1门考试)
考试名称 |
Exam 70-292: Managing and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment for an MCSA Certified on Windows 2000 |