RFC2861 - TCP Congestion Window Validation RFC2861-TCPCongestionWindowValidation... 网络协议 dn001 19 2009-05-27
RFC2862 - RTP Payload Format for Real-Time Pointers RFC2862-RTPPayloadFormatforReal-TimePointers... 网络协议 dn001 21 2009-05-27
RFC2858 - Multiprotocol Extensions for BGP-4 RFC2858-MultiprotocolExtensionsforBGP-4... 网络协议 dn001 20 2009-05-27
RFC2859 - A Time Sliding Window Three Colour Marker (TSWTCM) RFC2859-ATimeSlidingWindowThreeColourMarker(TSWTCM)... 网络协议 dn001 22 2009-05-27
RFC2856 - Textual Conventions for Additional High Capacity Data Types RFC2856-TextualConventionsforAdditionalHighCapacityDataTypes... 网络协议 dn001 20 2009-05-27
RFC2857 - The Use of HMAC-RIPEMD-160-96 within ESP and AH RFC2857-TheUseofHMAC-RIPEMD-160-96withinESPandAH... 网络协议 dn001 22 2009-05-27
RFC2851 - Textual Conventions for Internet Network Addresses RFC2851-TextualConventionsforInternetNetworkAddresses... 网络协议 dn001 23 2009-05-27
RFC2852 - Deliver By SMTP Service Extension RFC2852-DeliverBySMTPServiceExtension... 网络协议 dn001 21 2009-05-27
RFC2853 - Generic Security Service API Version 2 : Java Bindings RFC2853-GenericSecurityServiceAPIVersion2:JavaBindings... 网络协议 dn001 19 2009-05-27
RFC2850 - Charter of the Internet Architecture Board (IAB) RFC2850-CharteroftheInternetArchitectureBoard(IAB)... 网络协议 dn001 19 2009-05-27
RFC2846 - GSTN Address Element Extensions in E-mail Services RFC2846-GSTNAddressElementExtensionsinE-mailServices... 网络协议 dn001 21 2009-05-27
RFC2845 - Secret Key Transaction Authentication for DNS (TSIG) RFC2845-SecretKeyTransactionAuthenticationforDNS(TSIG)... 网络协议 dn001 22 2009-05-27
RFC2842 - Capabilities Advertisement with BGP-4 RFC2842-CapabilitiesAdvertisementwithBGP-4... 网络协议 dn001 25 2009-05-27
RFC2838 - Uniform Resource Identifiers for Television Broadcasts RFC2838-UniformResourceIdentifiersforTelevisionBroadcasts... 网络协议 dn001 24 2009-05-27