RFC2448 - AT&Ts Error Resilient Video Transmission Technique RFC2448-AT&TsErrorResilientVideoTransmissionTechnique... 网络协议 dn001 21 2009-05-27
RFC2443 - A Distributed MARS Service Using SCSP RFC2443-ADistributedMARSServiceUsingSCSP... 网络协议 dn001 22 2009-05-27
RFC2444 - The One-Time-Password SASL Mechanism RFC2444-TheOne-Time-PasswordSASLMechanism... 网络协议 dn001 22 2009-05-27
RFC2437 - PKCS #1: RSA Cryptography Specifications Version 2.0 RFC2437-PKCS#1:RSACryptographySpecificationsVersion2.0... 网络协议 dn001 22 2009-05-27
RFC2436 - Collaboration between ISOC/IETF and ITU-T RFC2436-CollaborationbetweenISOC/IETFandITU-T... 网络协议 dn001 22 2009-05-27
RFC2435 - RTP Payload Format for JPEG-compressed Video RFC2435-RTPPayloadFormatforJPEG-compressedVideo... 网络协议 dn001 22 2009-05-27
RFC2432 - Terminology for IP Multicast Benchmarking RFC2432-TerminologyforIPMulticastBenchmarking... 网络协议 dn001 21 2009-05-27
RFC2433 - Microsoft PPP CHAP Extensions RFC2433-MicrosoftPPPCHAPExtensions... 网络协议 dn001 22 2009-05-27
RFC2160 - Carrying PostScript in X.400 and MIME RFC2160-CarryingPostScriptinX.400andMIME... 网络协议 dn001 20 2009-05-27
RFC2157 - Mapping between X.400 and RFC-822/MIME Message Bodies RFC2157-MappingbetweenX.400andRFC-822/MIMEMessageBodies... 网络协议 dn001 20 2009-05-27
RFC2155 - Definitions of Managed Objects for APPN using SMIv2 RFC2155-DefinitionsofManagedObjectsforAPPNusingSMIv2... 网络协议 dn001 21 2009-05-27
RFC2152 - UTF-7 A Mail-Safe Transformation Format of Unicode RFC2152-UTF-7AMail-SafeTransformationFormatofUnicode... 网络协议 dn001 22 2009-05-27