网页特效代码:用层模拟可移动的小窗口 dn001 2009-06-21 08:22:04 <!-- 把如下代码加入<body>区域中 --> <!-- web http://www.knowsky.com --> <!-- bbs http://www.knowsky.com/bbs--> <style rel=stylesheet type=text/css> BODY { BORDER-BOTTOM: 0px; BORDER-LEFT: 0px; BORDER-RIGHT: 0px; BORDER-TOP: 0px; MARGIN: 0px; color: buttontext } #menu { BACKGROUND: buttonface; BORDER-BOTTOM: buttonface 1px solid; BORDER-LEFT: buttonface 1px solid; BORDER-RIGHT: buttonface 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: buttonface 1px solid; CURSOR: default; LEFT: 0px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 0px } #menu .menu { BACKGROUND: buttonface; BORDER-BOTTOM: buttonhighlight 2px outset; BORDER-LEFT: buttonhighlight 2px outset; BORDER-RIGHT: buttonhighlight 2px outset; BORDER-TOP: buttonhighlight 2px outset; POSITION: absolute } #menu TD { FONT: menu; HEIGHT: 20px } #menu .root { BORDER-BOTTOM: buttonface 1px solid; BORDER-LEFT: buttonface 1px solid; BORDER-RIGHT: buttonface 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: buttonface 1px solid; MARGIN: 6px; PADDING-BOTTOM: 1px; PADDING-LEFT: 7px; 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} function getMenuItem(el) { temp = el; while ((temp!=null) && (temp.tagName!="TABLE") && (temp.id!="menubar") && (temp.id!="menu") && (temp.id!="handle")) { if ((temp.tagName=="TR") || (temp.className=="root")) el = temp; temp = temp.parentElement; } return el; } function getSub(el) { temp = el; while ((temp!=null) && (temp.className != "sub")) { if (temp.tagName=="TABLE") el = temp; temp = temp.parentElement; } return el; } function menuClick() { if (event.srcElement == null) return; var el=getMenuItem(event.srcElement); if ((el.className != "disabled") && (el.id != "menubar")){ if (el.className == "root") { if (activeMenu) { raiseButton(el); showWindowedObjects(true); } else pressedButton(el); toggleMenu(el); } else if (el.href) { cleanUpMenuBar(); if (activeMenu) toggleMenu(activeMenu.parentElement); if (el.target) window.open(el.href, el.target); else if (document.all.tags("BASE").item(0) != null) window.open(el.href, document.all.tags("BASE").item(0).target); else window.location = el.href; } } window.event.cancelBubble = true; } function Restore() { if (activeMenu) { toggleMenu(activeMenu.parentElement); cleanUpMenuBar(); } } document.onclick=Restore; function menuOver() { if ((event.fromElement == null) || (event.toElement == null) || (event.fromElement == event.toElement)) return; var fromEl = getMenuItem(event.fromElement); var toEl = getMenuItem(event.toElement); if (fromEl == toEl) return; if ((toEl.className != "disabled") && (toEl.id != "menubar")){ if (toEl.className == "root") { if (activeMenu) { if (toEl.menu != activeMenu) { cleanUpMenuBar(); pressedButton(toEl); toggleMenu(toEl); } } else { raiseButton(toEl); } } else { if ((fromEl != toEl) && (toEl.tagName != "TABLE")){ cleanup(toEl.parentElement.parentElement, false); menuItemHighlight(toEl); toEl.parentElement.parentElement.activeItem = toEl; if (toEl.href) window.status = toEl.href; if (toEl.className == "sub") showSubMenu(toEl,true); } } } } function menuOut() { if ((event.fromElement == null) || (event.toElement == null) || (event.fromElement == event.toElement)) return; var fromEl = getMenuItem(event.fromElement); var toEl = getMenuItem(event.toElement); if (fromEl == toEl) return; if (fromEl.className == "root"){ if (activeMenu) { if (fromEl.menu != activeMenu) normalButton(fromEl); } else normalButton(fromEl); } else { if ((fromEl.className != "disabled") && (fromEl.id != "menubar")){ if ((fromEl.className == "sub") && (getSub(toEl) == fromEl.subMenu) || (fromEl.subMenu == toEl.parentElement.parentElement)) return; else if ((fromEl.className == "sub")){ cleanup(fromEl.subMenu, true); menuItemNormal(fromEl); } else if ((fromEl != toEl) && (fromEl.tagName != "TABLE")) menuItemNormal(fromEl); window.status = ""; } } } function toggleMenu(el) { if (el.menu == null) el.menu = getChildren(el); if (el.menu == activeMenu) { if (activeSub) menuItemNormal(activeSub.parentElement.parentElement); cleanup(el.menu,true); activeMenu = null; activeSub = null; // showWindowedObjects(true); } else { if (activeMenu) { cleanup(activeMenu,true); hideMenu(activeMenu); } activeMenu = el.menu; var tPos = topPos(el.menu) + menu.offsetHeight; if ((document.body.offsetHeight - tPos) >= el.menu.offsetHeight) { el.menu.style.pixelTop = (ie5) ? el.offsetHeight + 1 : menu.offsetHeight - el.offsetTop - 2; dir = 2; } else { el.menu.style.pixelTop = (ie5) ? el.offsetTop - el.menu.offsetHeight - 1 : el.offsetTop - el.menu.offsetHeight + 2; dir = 8; } el.menu.style.pixelLeft = (ie5) ? el.offsetLeft - 2 : el.offsetLeft; show(el.menu, dir); showWindowedObjects(false); } } function showSubMenu(el,show) { var dir = 2; temp = el; list = el.children.tags("TD"); el = list[list.length-1]; if (el.menu == null) el.menu = getChildren(el); temp.subMenu = el.menu; if ((el.menu != activeMenu) && (show)) { activeSub = el.menu; var lPos = leftPos(el.menu); if ((document.body.offsetWidth - lPos) >= el.menu.offsetWidth) { el.menu.style.left = (ie5) ? el.parentNode.offsetWidth : el.offsetParent.offsetWidth; dir = 6; } else { el.menu.style.left = - el.menu.offsetWidth + 3; dir = 4; } var tPos = (ie5) ? topPos(el.menu) + el.offsetTop : topPos(el.menu) + el.offsetParent.offsetTop;// + el.menu.offsetTop; if ((document.body.offsetHeight - tPos) >= el.menu.offsetHeight) el.menu.style.top = (ie5) ? el.offsetTop - 4 : el.offsetParent.offsetTop - 2; else el.menu.style.top = (ie5) ? el.offsetTop + el.offsetHeight - el.menu.offsetHeight : el.offsetParent.offsetTop + el.offsetParent.offsetHeight - el.menu.offsetHeight + 2; showSub(el.menu, dir); } else { show(el.menu ,dir); activeSub = null; } } function topPos(el) { var temp = el; var y = 0; while (temp.id!="menu") { temp = temp.offsetParent; y += temp.offsetTop; } return y; } function leftPos(el) { var temp = el; var x = 0; while (temp.id!="menu") { temp = temp.offsetParent; x += temp.offsetLeft; } return x + el.offsetParent.offsetWidth; } function show(el, dir) { if (typeof(fade) == "function") fade(el, true); else if (typeof(swipe) == "function") { tempElSwipe = el; tempDirSwipe = dir; el.style.visibility = "visible"; el.style.visibility = "hidden"; window.setTimeout("tempSwipe()", 0); // swipe(el, dir); } else el.style.visibility = "visible"; } var tempElSwipe, tempDirSwipe; function tempSwipe() { swipe(tempElSwipe, tempDirSwipe); } function showSub(el ,dir) { show(el, dir); // swipe(el, dir); // fade(el, true); // el.style.visibility = "visible"; } function cleanup(menu,hide) { if (menu.activeItem) { //If you've been here before if ((menu.activeItem.className == "sub") && (menu.activeItem.subMenu)){ //The active item has a submenu cleanup(menu.activeItem.subMenu, true); //Clean up the subs as well } menuItemNormal(menu.activeItem); } if (hide) { hideMenu(menu); } } function hideMenu(el) { if (typeof(fade) == "function") { fade(el, false); // window.setTimeout(fadeTimer); } else if (typeof(swipe) == "function") { hideSwipe(el); } else el.style.visibility = "hidden"; } function getChildren(el) { var tList = el.children.tags("TABLE"); return tList[0]; } var dragObject = null; var dragObjectPos = "top"; var tx; var ty; window.onload=fixSize; window.onresize=fixSize; function fixSize() { if (dragObjectPos == "top") { outerDiv.style.top = menu.offsetHeight; outerDiv.style.height = document.body.clientHeight - menu.offsetHeight; } else if( dragObjectPos == "bottom") { outerDiv.style.top = 0; outerDiv.style.height = document.body.clientHeight - menu.offsetHeight; menu.style.top = document.body.clientHeight - menu.offsetHeight; } else { outerDiv.style.top = 0; outerDiv.style.height=document.body.clientHeight; } } function document.onmousedown() { if(window.event.srcElement.id == "handle") { dragObject = document.all[window.event.srcElement.getAttribute("for")]; Restore(); //Hide the menus while moving ty = (window.event.clientY - dragObject.style.pixelTop); window.event.returnValue = false; window.event.cancelBubble = true; } else { dragObject = null; } } function document.onmouseup() { if(dragObject) { dragObject = null; } } function document.onmousemove() { if(dragObject) { if(window.event.clientX >= 0) { if((window.event.clientY - ty) <= 15) { dragObject.style.border = "0 solid buttonface"; dragObject.style.width = "100%"; dragObject.style.top = 0; dragObject.style.left = 0; dragObjectPos = "top"; fixSize(); } else if ((window.event.clientY - ty) >= document.body.clientHeight - menu.offsetHeight - 15) { dragObject.style.border = "0 solid buttonface"; dragObject.style.width = "100%"; dragObject.style.top = document.body.clientHeight - menu.offsetHeight; dragObject.style.left = 0; dragObjectPos="bottom"; fixSize(); } else { dragObject.style.width = "10px"; dragObject.style.left = window.event.clientX; dragObject.style.top = window.event.clientY - ty; dragObject.style.border = "2px outset white"; dragObjectPos = "float"; fixSize(); } } else { dragObject.style.border = ""; dragObject.style.left = "0"; dragObject.style.top = "0"; } window.event.returnValue = false; window.event.cancelBubble = true; } } function showWindowedObjects(show) { if (hideWindowedControls) { var windowedObjectTags = new Array("SELECT", "IFRAME", "OBJECT", "APPLET","EMBED"); var windowedObjects = new Array(); var j=0; for (var i=0; i<windowedObjectTags.length; i++) { var tmpTags = document.all.tags(windowedObjectTags[i]); if (tmpTags.length > 0) { for (var k=0; k<tmpTags.length; k++) { windowedObjects[j++] = tmpTags[k]; } } } for (var i=0; i<windowedObjects.length; i++) { if (!show) windowedObjects[i].visBackup = (windowedObjects[i].style.visibility == null) ? "visible" : windowedObjects[i].style.visibility; windowedObjects[i].style.visibility = (show) ? windowedObjects[i].visBackup : "hidden"; } } } </SCRIPT> <TABLE cellSpacing=1 id=menu onclick=menuClick() onmouseout=menuOut() onmouseover=menuOver() onselectstart="return false"> <TBODY> <TR id=menubar> <TD class=disabled style="PADDING-LEFT: 0px; PADDING-RIGHT: 1px"> <DIV class=disabled id=handle style="HEIGHT: 100%; LEFT: 3px; WIDTH: 3px" title="Move me!" for="menu"></DIV></TD> <TD class=root>HOME <TABLE cellSpacing=0 class=menu style="VISIBILITY: hidden"> <TBODY> <TR href="javascript:alert('可以改成一个链接!')"> <TD></TD> <TD noWrap>LINK</TD> <TD></TD> </TR> <TR class=sub> <TD></TD> <TD noWrap>LINK</TD> <TD> <TABLE cellSpacing=0 class=menu style="VISIBILITY: hidden"> <TBODY> <TR href="javascript:alert('可以改成一个链接')"> <TD noWrap style="HEIGHT: 20px">LINK</TD> </TR> </TBODY> </TABLE> </TD> </TR> <TR class=disabled> <TD colSpan=3> <HR> </TD> </TR> <TR href="javascript:alert('可以改成一个链接')"> <TD></TD> <TD>LINK</TD> <TD></TD> </TR> <TR title="This is really easy"> <TD></TD> <TD>LINK</TD> <TD></TD> </TR> </TBODY> </TABLE> </TD> <TD class=root>Help <TABLE cellSpacing=0 class=menu style="VISIBILITY: hidden"> <TBODY> <TR href="javascript:alert('www.knowsky.com')"> <TD></TD> <TD>About</TD> <TD></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD> <TD class=disabled width="100%"> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> <DIV id=outerDiv>