选择确认后提交输入的内容,这在做程序时非常实用 dn001 2009-06-21 08:31:39 <!-- http://www.knowsky.com/js --> <!-- bbs http://www.knowsky.com/bbs--> <!-- 完整的HTML代码如下 --> <html> <HEAD><title>弹出窗口生成器</title> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- Begin function generate(form){ page = document.inputForm.page.value; toolbars = document.inputForm.toolbars.checked; scrollprops = document.inputForm.scrollit.checked; locations = document.inputForm.locations.checked; statusbars = document.inputForm.statusbars.checked; menubars = document.inputForm.menubars.checked; resizeable = document.inputForm.resizeable.checked; width = document.inputForm.width.value; if (!width) width = screen.width; height = document.inputForm.height.value; if (!height) height = screen.height; howto = document.inputForm.howtoopen.options[document.inputForm.howtoopen.selectedIndex].value; center = document.inputForm.center.checked; start = "<"; if(howto == 'body') { otherOutput = start + "!-- 步骤2: 修改BODY区域为以下代码: -->nn" + start + "BODY onLoad="javascript:popUp('" + page + "')">"; } if(howto == 'link') { otherOutput = start + "!-- 步骤2: 将下面的代码粘贴到BODY区域内: -->nn" + start + "A HREF="javascript:popUp('" + page + "')">Open the Popup Window" + start + "/A>"; } if(howto == 'button') { otherOutput = start + "!-- 步骤2: 将下面的代码粘贴到BODY区域内: -->nn" + start + "form>n" + start + "input type=button value="Open the Popup Window" onClick="javascript:popUp('" + page + "')">n" + start + "/form>"; } scriptOutput = start + '!-- 使用下面代码需要两步: -->rnrn' + '<!-- 步骤1: 拷贝下面代码到 HEAD 区域内 -->rnrn' + '<HEAD>rnrn' + start + 'SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">rn' + 'function pop' + 'Up(URL) {nday = new Date();nid = day.getTime();n'; scriptOutput += "eval("page" + id + " = window.open(URL, '" + id + "', '" + ((toolbars) ? 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