一种比较漂亮的控制图片移动的网页特效 dn001 2009-06-21 08:51:58 <!-- http://www.knowsky.com/js --> <!--完整的HTML文件如下--> <HTML> <TITLE>网页教学网特效代码->>语言时钟</TITLE> <HEAD> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- Begin function number(x) { if (x==1) return "one"; if (x==2) return "two"; if (x==3) return "three"; if (x==4) return "four"; if (x==5) return "five"; if (x==6) return "six"; if (x==7) return "seven"; if (x==8) return "eight"; if (x==9) return "nine"; if (x==10) return "ten"; if (x==11) return "eleven"; if (x==12) return "twelve"; return x; //default } function ishtime(h,m) { h = number(h) if (m<=3 || m>57) return h+" o'clock"; if (m<=7) return "five past "+h; if (m<=12) return "ten past "+h; if (m<=17) return "quarter past "+h; if (m<=23) return "twenty past "+h; if (m<=28) return "twenty-five past "+h; if (m<=33) return "half past "+h; if (m<=38) return "twenty-five to "+h; if (m<=43) return "twenty to "+h; if (m<=48) return "quarter to "+h; if (m<=53) return "ten to "+h; if (m<=58) return "five to "+h; return "h:m"; // never reached? } function daytime(h) { if (!h || h>21) return " at night" if (h<12) return " in the morning"; if (h<=17) return " in the afternoon"; return " in the evening"; // default } function ish(h,m) { if (!h && !m) { // if no time supplied, use the system time time = new Date() h = time.getHours() m = time.getMinutes() } z = daytime(h); h = h % 12 // fix to 12 hour clock if (m>57 && time.getSeconds()>30) m++; // round seconds if (m>60) m=0 // round up minutes if (m>33) h++ // round up hours if (h>12) h = 1 // the clock turns round.. if (h==0) h = 12 return "It's now about "+ishtime(h,m)+z+"." } // End --> </script> <!-- STEP TWO: Copy this code into the BODY of your HTML document --> <BODY> <center> <script language="JavaScript"> <!--HIDE FROM OLD BROWSERS-- document.writeln(ish().fontcolor("black"),"<P>") <!--DONE--> </script> </center>