其实自从Web2.0发展以来,一群关注视觉风格趋势的设计师们都在密切关注和推动着web2.0风格的进程,之前蓝色也和我谈到过web2.0的视觉风格问题,当时我说还需要一段时间来观察和归纳,但当我看到乔纳山(Jonathan)在2006年10月21发表的“Web2.0的视觉设计”(The visual design of Web 2.0),在欣喜于全球设计师的关注焦点契合之余,也为文章中一些没有写出的东西想做一个表述,并且对文章中一些被翻译成中文后导致的误导以及对文章中一些观点的不同看法和补充做一个较全面的补充,让我们所有关心和关注web2.0视觉风格的设计师一起快速地“进化”。
The visual design of Web 2.0
Web2.0 的视觉设计
Posted by Jonathan on October 21st, 2006 in Typography, Graphic Design, Web Design
乔纳山 发表于 2006年10月21日,Quester 中文翻译于 2007年01月15日, 类别关键字:排版,图形设计,网页设计
If you didn’t blink, you may have noticed that for a few days recently Wikipedia’s entry for Web 2.0 included a subsection describing the visual elements of Web 2.0. GradIEnts, colorful icons, reflections, dropshadows, and large text all got a mention.
如果你不是太瞎的话,你可能会注意到前几天在 维基百科 的
Web2.0 条目下有一个子条目是关于 视觉元素 的。渐变,艳丽的图标,反射效果,下拉阴影,以及大号文字等值得一提的内容。
A few days later the “visual elements” addition had been removed after a vote by wikipedians. The objection, I suppose, is that no set of visual criteria can accurately define something as being characteristic of Web 2.0 - if Web 2.0 can be understood as an approach to generating and distributing content, then it needn’t be tied to a particular visual style.
过了几天“视觉元素”的添加条目就被维基成员投票否决并删除了。反对的原因,我估计是因为没有一套 视觉标准 能够准确的定义一些东西,就像Web2.0的特点——如果Web2.0可以理解为一种 信息内容的生成和分发途径,那就不必束缚于某一种视觉风格。
Nevertheless, it’s true that many Web 2.0 sites do share a distinctive aesthetic. Wikipedia’s editors may not think it’s a worthy part of the Web 2.0 discussion, but I say bring it on! Let’s take a look at the some of the communication issues facing a Web 2.0 site, and see how the “Web 2.0 look” can help to solve them.
就算是这样,许多Web 2.0站点有着同样独特的审美情趣却是事实。维基百科的编辑也许不认为这是Web 2.0的有价值的部分,但是我却说很必要!让我们来看一下面向Web2.0的沟通问题,并看看“Web 2.0外观”如何帮助解决问题。
Trust me, I’m Web 2.0
Integral to Web 2.0 is harnessing the input of website visitors. Users can generate content for a web service, promote it in a “viral” peer-to-peer fashion, and improve it’s data quality through their opinions and preferences.
But to convince a visitor to contribute their time - and data - to a web application, you need to get them to trust you first. Most Web 2.0 sites come across as friendly, approachable and small-scale, using subtle design decisions to gain our trust.
但要说服访问者为网站程序花费时间和提供数据, 首先需要赢得他们的信任。多数Web2.0站点让我们觉得友好、平易近人、小规模,它们运用巧妙的设计来赢得大家信赖。
Green is the new grey
Bright, cheerful colors dominate Web 2.0 sites. Green is the unofficial color of web 2.0, but saturated blues, oranges and pinks are also favourites. Bold primary colors suggest a playful, fun attitude and also help to draw attention to important page elements.
明快而生机盎然的色彩主宰了Web2.0网站。绿色是web2.0的非官方的色彩,并且高纯度的蓝色系,橙色系和粉红系也同样倍受青睐。 奔放的主色调引导了一种嬉戏的,愉快的态度,并且也有助于将注意力拉回到页面的重要元素上。