Reasons for being kicked from the top 10. 最近Google再进行着一次例行,却又不同寻常的更新Jagger1,2,3. 不少长期关键定排名在Google长期稳定的网站,排名也往下掉,甚至于排到几十名之外,是什么原因导致网站排名在本次更新中剧烈下滑的呢?PS: 这篇东西从WMW论坛上看到,觉着不错,逐就试试翻译过来,希望能给大家一些提示。
1) Dupe content (this includes others stealing whats yours and putting it on their site)
中文:1, 重复文件,包括别人偷取你的网页内容,放置在他们自己的网站上;
[PS:当自己站内有大量的重复页面时(页面相似度太高),也会产生Dupe Content]
2) www and non www (same as above check if there is an index / caching of and
中文:2, "www" 和 "non www" 就是同时存在""和""不同的索引问题,可以在Google里查询索引或缓存发现;
3) Site wide links from others (check your backlink on all search engines if there is a site pointing to you from lots of its pages it can be construed as "bought links")
4) Link pages (if you have pages of outward links make sure they have content not just links)
5) Unnatural growth (if you are working on content and adding more than 1 page a day google thinks this is unnatural and can kick you for it .. really stupid reason imo but there we are)
6) Site wide change of page structure (if you suddenly change your template site-wide this can kill your site .. i guess this is really a case of design it correctly in the first place)
7) Server problems (googlebot having trouble usually only happens if you have changed servers recently)
.... to be continued by others