

3 秒后将自动跳转到导航页




3 秒后将自动跳转到导航页


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.net实现链表类 winform表现

发布时间:2010-09-09 09:00:24  来源:电脑学院
【摘要】: .net实现链表类winform表现,XList.vbviewplaincopytoclipboardPRint?'nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;'*CreatedbySharpDevelop.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;'*User:fxnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;'*Date:2009/11/08nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;'*Time:2009年11月8日14:15:43nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;'nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Import 页面不存在!


3 秒后将自动跳转到导航页




3 秒后将自动跳转到导航页



view plaincopy to clipboardPRint?
' * Created by SharpDevelop.   
' * User: fx   
' * Date: 2009/11/08   
' * Time: 2009年11月8日14:15:43   
Imports System   
Imports System.Collections.Generic   
Imports System.Linq   
Imports System.Text   
Public Class XListItem   
    Public Sub New()   
        data = ""  
        [next] = Nothing  
    End Sub  
    Public Sub New(ByVal str As String)   
        data = str   
        [next] = Nothing  
    End Sub  
    Public [next] As XListItem          '类似于指针域   
    Public data As String               '数值域   
    ''Private _data As String   
    ''Public Property Data() As String   
    ''    Get   
    ''        Return _data   
    ''    End Get   
    ''    Set(ByVal value As String)   
    ''        _data = value   
    ''    End Set   
    ''End Property   
End Class  
Public Class XList   
    Dim firstNode As XListItem     '头结点   
    Dim lastNode As XListItem       '尾结点   
    Dim curNode As XListItem        '当前节点,类似游标   
    Public Sub New()   
        firstNode = InlineAssignHelper(lastNode, InlineAssignHelper(curNode, Nothing))   
    End Sub  
    Public Function IsEmpty() As Boolean  
        'Return firstNode Is Nothing   
        If firstNode Is Nothing Then  
            Return True  
            Return False  
        End If  
    End Function  
    Public Sub ClearLinklist()   
        firstNode = Nothing  
        lastNode = Nothing  
        curNode = Nothing  
    End Sub  
    Public Sub Insert(ByVal strInsert As String)   
        If IsEmpty() Then  
            lastNode = New XListItem(strInsert)   
            lastNode.[next] = Nothing  
            firstNode = lastNode   
        End If  
        curNode = New XListItem(strInsert)   
        curNode.[next] = Nothing  
        lastNode.[next] = curNode   
        lastNode = curNode   
    End Sub  
    '引数:strInsert 插入的结点值;iLocator 要插入的结点的位置   
    Public Sub Insert(ByVal strInsert As String, ByVal iLocator As Integer)   
        If IsEmpty() Then  
            lastNode = New XListItem(strInsert)   
            lastNode.[next] = Nothing  
            firstNode = lastNode   
        End If  
        Dim newNode As New XListItem(strInsert)   
        newNode.[next] = Nothing  
        If firstNode.[next] Is Nothing Then  
            firstNode.[next] = newNode   
            lastNode = newNode   
        End If  
        Dim objNode As XListItem = GetNode(iLocator)   
        If objNode Is Nothing Then  
        End If  
        Dim tempNode As XListItem = objNode   
        Dim prevNode As XListItem = GetNode(iLocator - 1)   
        If prevNode Is lastNode Then  
        End If  
        If objNode Is firstNode Then  
            newNode.[next] = firstNode   
            firstNode = newNode   
        End If  
        objNode = Nothing  
        objNode = newNode   
        objNode.[next] = tempNode   
        prevNode.[next] = objNode   
    End Sub  
    '返回值:XListItem 返回结点   
    Public Function GetNode(ByVal iNode As Integer) As XListItem   
        If iNode < 0 Then  
            iNode = 0   
        End If  
        If IsEmpty() Then  
            Return Nothing  
        End If  
        If 0 = iNode Then  
            Return firstNode   
        End If  
        Dim currentNode As XListItem = firstNode   
        For i As Integer = 0 To iNode - 1   
            If currentNode Is lastNode Then  
                Return lastNode   
            End If  
            currentNode = currentNode.[next]   
        Return currentNode   
    End Function  
    Public Sub Print()   
        If IsEmpty() Then  
            Console.WriteLine("List is Empty")   
        End If  
        Console.Write("The List is: ")   
        Dim current As XListItem = firstNode   
        'output current node data while not at end of list   
        While current IsNot Nothing  
            Console.Write(current.data & "  ")   
            current = current.[next]   
        End While  
    End Sub  
    Public Function PrintLinkList() As String  
        Dim strResult As String = ""  
        If IsEmpty() Then  
            strResult = "链表为空"  
            Return strResult   
        End If  
        Dim current As XListItem = firstNode   
        '不是尾结点 继续输出   
        While Not current Is Nothing  
            'Console.Write(current.data & "  ")   
            strResult &= current.data & ","  
            current = current.[next]   
        End While  
        strResult = strResult.Substring(0, strResult.Length - 1)   
        Return strResult   
    End Function  
    '引数:strInsert 要移除的链表的结点值   
    '返回值:true or false  是否移除成功   成功true 失败 false   
    Public Function Remove(ByVal strInsert As String) As Boolean  
        If IsEmpty() Then  
            Return False  
        End If  
        If firstNode.data = strInsert Then  
            firstNode = firstNode.[next]   
            Return True  
        End If  
        Dim curNodeF As XListItem = firstNode   
        curNode = curNodeF   
        If curNode Is Nothing Then  
            Return False  
        End If  
        While True  
            curNode = curNode.[next]   
            If curNode Is lastNode Then  
                If curNode.data = strInsert Then  
                    curNode = Nothing  
                    lastNode = curNodeF   
                    lastNode.[next] = Nothing  
                    Return True  
                End If  
                Return False  
            End If  
            If curNode.data = strInsert Then  
                curNodeF.[next] = curNode.[next]   
                curNode = Nothing  
                Return True  
            End If  
            curNodeF = curNodeF.[next]   
        End While  
    End Function  
    '引数:t 链表   
    '返回值:newList 逆序链表   
    Public Function Revert(ByVal t As XListItem) As XListItem   
        Dim newList As XListItem = Nothing  
        While t IsNot Nothing  
            Dim temp As New XListItem()   
            temp.data = t.data   
            temp.[next] = newList   
            newList = temp   
            t = t.[next]   
        End While  
        Return newList   
    End Function  
    '引数:t 链表   
    '返回值:newList 逆序链表   
    Public Function Revert() As XListItem   
        Dim newList As XListItem = Nothing  
        While firstNode IsNot Nothing  
            Dim temp As New XListItem()   
            temp.data = firstNode.data   
            temp.[next] = newList   
            newList = temp   
            firstNode = firstNode.[next]   
        End While  
        firstNode = newList   
        Return newList   
    End Function  
    Private Shared Function InlineAssignHelper(Of T)(ByRef target As T, ByVal value As T) As T   
        target = value   
        Return value   
    End Function  
End Class  
'class EmptyListException definition   
Public Class EmptyListException   
    Inherits applicationException   
    Public Sub New(ByVal name As String)   
        MyBase.New("The " & name & "is empty")   
    End Sub  
End Class  
'end class EmptyListException  
' * Created by SharpDevelop.
' * User: fx
' * Date: 2009/11/08
' * Time: 2009年11月8日14:15:43


Imports System
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Linq
Imports System.Text

Public Class XListItem
    Public Sub New()
        data = ""
        [next] = Nothing
    End Sub
    Public Sub New(ByVal str As String)
        data = str
        [next] = Nothing
    End Sub

    Public [next] As XListItem          '类似于指针域
    Public data As String               '数值域

    ''Private _data As String

    ''Public Property Data() As String
    ''    Get
    ''        Return _data
    ''    End Get
    ''    Set(ByVal value As String)
    ''        _data = value
    ''    End Set
    ''End Property
End Class

Public Class XList
    Dim firstNode As XListItem     '头结点
    Dim lastNode As XListItem       '尾结点
    Dim curNode As XListItem        '当前节点,类似游标
    Public Sub New()
        firstNode = InlineAssignHelper(lastNode, InlineAssignHelper(curNode, Nothing))
    End Sub

    Public Function IsEmpty() As Boolean
        'Return firstNode Is Nothing
        If firstNode Is Nothing Then
            Return True
            Return False
        End If
    End Function

    Public Sub ClearLinklist()
        firstNode = Nothing
        lastNode = Nothing
        curNode = Nothing
    End Sub

    Public Sub Insert(ByVal strInsert As String)
        If IsEmpty() Then
            lastNode = New XListItem(strInsert)
            lastNode.[next] = Nothing
            firstNode = lastNode
        End If

        curNode = New XListItem(strInsert)
        curNode.[next] = Nothing

        lastNode.[next] = curNode
        lastNode = curNode
    End Sub

    '引数:strInsert 插入的结点值;iLocator 要插入的结点的位置
    Public Sub Insert(ByVal strInsert As String, ByVal iLocator As Integer)
        If IsEmpty() Then
            lastNode = New XListItem(strInsert)
            lastNode.[next] = Nothing
            firstNode = lastNode
        End If

        Dim newNode As New XListItem(strInsert)
        newNode.[next] = Nothing

        If firstNode.[next] Is Nothing Then
            firstNode.[next] = newNode
            lastNode = newNode
        End If

        Dim objNode As XListItem = GetNode(iLocator)
        If objNode Is Nothing Then
        End If

        Dim tempNode As XListItem = objNode
        Dim prevNode As XListItem = GetNode(iLocator - 1)
        If prevNode Is lastNode Then
        End If

        If objNode Is firstNode Then
            newNode.[next] = firstNode
            firstNode = newNode
        End If

        objNode = Nothing
        objNode = newNode
        objNode.[next] = tempNode
        prevNode.[next] = objNode

    End Sub

    '返回值:XListItem 返回结点
    Public Function GetNode(ByVal iNode As Integer) As XListItem
        If iNode < 0 Then
            iNode = 0
        End If

        If IsEmpty() Then
            Return Nothing
        End If

        If 0 = iNode Then
            Return firstNode
        End If

        Dim currentNode As XListItem = firstNode
        For i As Integer = 0 To iNode - 1
            If currentNode Is lastNode Then
                Return lastNode
            End If
            currentNode = currentNode.[next]
        Return currentNode
    End Function

    Public Sub Print()
        If IsEmpty() Then
            Console.WriteLine("List is Empty")
        End If

        Console.Write("The List is: ")

        Dim current As XListItem = firstNode

        'output current node data while not at end of list
        While current IsNot Nothing
            Console.Write(current.data & "  ")
            current = current.[next]
        End While

    End Sub

    Public Function PrintLinkList() As String
        Dim strResult As String = ""

        If IsEmpty() Then
            strResult = "链表为空"
            Return strResult
        End If

        Dim current As XListItem = firstNode

        '不是尾结点 继续输出
        While Not current Is Nothing
            'Console.Write(current.data & "  ")
            strResult &= current.data & ","
            current = current.[next]
        End While

        strResult = strResult.Substring(0, strResult.Length - 1)

        Return strResult

    End Function

    '引数:strInsert 要移除的链表的结点值
    '返回值:true or false  是否移除成功   成功true 失败 false
    Public Function Remove(ByVal strInsert As String) As Boolean
        If IsEmpty() Then
            Return False
        End If

        If firstNode.data = strInsert Then
            firstNode = firstNode.[next]
            Return True
        End If

        Dim curNodeF As XListItem = firstNode
        curNode = curNodeF

        If curNode Is Nothing Then
            Return False
        End If

        While True
            curNode = curNode.[next]
            If curNode Is lastNode Then
                If curNode.data = strInsert Then
                    curNode = Nothing
                    lastNode = curNodeF
                    lastNode.[next] = Nothing
                    Return True
                End If
                Return False
            End If

            If curNode.data = strInsert Then

                curNodeF.[next] = curNode.[next]
                curNode = Nothing
                Return True
            End If
            curNodeF = curNodeF.[next]
        End While
    End Function

    '引数:t 链表
    '返回值:newList 逆序链表
    Public Function Revert(ByVal t As XListItem) As XListItem
        Dim newList As XListItem = Nothing
        While t IsNot Nothing
            Dim temp As New XListItem()
            temp.data = t.data
            temp.[next] = newList

            newList = temp
            t = t.[next]
        End While
        Return newList
    End Function

    '引数:t 链表
    '返回值:newList 逆序链表
    Public Function Revert() As XListItem
        Dim newList As XListItem = Nothing
        While firstNode IsNot Nothing
            Dim temp As New XListItem()
            temp.data = firstNode.data
            temp.[next] = newList

            newList = temp
            firstNode = firstNode.[next]
        End While

        firstNode = newList
        Return newList
    End Function

    Private Shared Function InlineAssignHelper(Of T)(ByRef target As T, ByVal value As T) As T
        target = value
        Return value
    End Function

End Class

'class EmptyListException definition
Public Class EmptyListException
    Inherits ApplicationException
    Public Sub New(ByVal name As String)
        MyBase.New("The " & name & "is empty")
    End Sub
End Class
'end class EmptyListException



view plaincopy to clipboardprint?
Public Class Form1   
    Dim fxXlist As New XList   
    Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load   
        Me.combFxOptions.SelectedIndex = 0   
    End Sub  
    Private Sub btnDo_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnDo.Click   
        Select Case Me.combFxOptions.SelectedIndex   
            Case 0   
                If Not fxXlist Is Nothing Then  
                    Me.txtFxCurLinklist.Text = fxXlist.PrintLinkList()   
                    Me.txtFxCurLinklist.Text = "空链表"  
                End If  
            Case 1   
                If Me.txtFxInsertValue.Text.Trim = String.Empty Then  
                    MessageBox.Show("要插入的结点不能为空!", "错误", _   
                                    MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning)   
                    fxXlist.Insert(Me.txtFxInsertValue.Text.Trim, 0)   
                    MsgBox("插入成功!", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "提示")   
                    Me.txtFxCurLinklist.Text = fxXlist.PrintLinkList()   
                End If  
            Case 2   
                If Me.txtFxInsertValue.Text.Trim = String.Empty Then  
                    MessageBox.Show("要插入的结点不能为空!", "错误", _   
                                    MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning)   
                    MsgBox("插入成功!", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "提示")   
                    Me.txtFxCurLinklist.Text = fxXlist.PrintLinkList()   
                End If  
            Case 3   
                If Me.txtFxInsertValue.Text.Trim = String.Empty Then  
                    MessageBox.Show("要插入的结点不能为空!", "错误", _   
                                    MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning)   
                ElseIf Me.txtFxLocation.Text.Trim = String.Empty Then  
                    MessageBox.Show("要插入的位置不能为空!", "错误", _   
                                   MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning)   
                ElseIf IsNumeric(Me.txtFxLocation.Text) = False Then  
                    MessageBox.Show("要插入的位置必须为数字!", "错误", _   
                                  MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning)   
                    fxXlist.Insert(Me.txtFxInsertValue.Text.Trim, Me.txtFxLocation.Text.Trim)   
                    MsgBox("插入成功!", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "提示")   
                    Me.txtFxCurLinklist.Text = fxXlist.PrintLinkList()   
                End If  
            Case 4   
                Me.txtFxCurLinklist.Text = fxXlist.PrintLinkList()   
            Case 5   
            Case 6   
            Case Else  
        End Select  
    End Sub  
    Private Sub btnClearLinklist_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnClearLinklist.Click   
        Me.txtFxCurLinklist.Text = "空链表"  
        Me.txtFxInsertValue.Text = ""  
        Me.txtFxLocation.Text = ""  
        Me.combFxOptions.SelectedIndex = 0   
    End Sub  
End Class  


3 秒后将自动跳转到导航页




3 秒后将自动跳转到导航页




3 秒后将自动跳转到导航页




3 秒后将自动跳转到导航页
